Η δημιουργία μιας εικονικής ΚΟΙΝ.Σ.ΕΠ. για την κοινωνική και δημιουργική ενδυνάμωση των μαθητών και την ενίσχυση της σχέσης σχολείου- οικογένειας- κοινότητας (Master thesis)

Φαρμάκη, Στυλιανή

The present dissertation entitled “Creating a Virtual Social Cooperative Enterprise for the social and creative empowerment of students and the strengthening of the school-family-community relation”, was conducted by Styliani Farmaki, a postgraduate student at the Master’s Program in Management & Organization of Educational Units, of the International University of Greece, under the supervision of Assistant Professor Michael Vitoulis. The study is about the innovative idea of creating a Social Cooperative Enterprise (SCE) under the name “Lemoneli”, with a scientific background derived from Social Work in Education, and a vision to act as a hub in the school-family-community relation and to promote social innovation in education in terms of emotional and social well-being of students, their families and school communities in the multicultural city of Komotini, in Greece. The purpose of the study was to explore the perspective of the three main stakeholders of the SCE “Lemoneli”, ie, teachers, parents and social workers on the project, in order to contribute to the design of the innovation, from the very beginning of the idea development phase, in the context of the “bottom-up” approach and “the customer- driven innovation” approach, which are considered to be highly compatible with social entrepreneurship of social work. Following the formulation and sharing of the idea (via an informative document), a qualitative research was conducted with semi-structured interviews with 12 participants and more specifically with 4 teachers (of preschool, primary and secondary education), 4 parents of children and adolescents (attending preschool, primary school and high school) and 4 social workers (working at schools or/and with children and families from vulnerable/special social groups in the community) who all live and/or work in Komotini. The aim was to highlight and give prominence to their viewpoints, experiences, and “voice”, in order to act as co-modifiers of the idea, thus empowering the inclusive character of the innovation. The research results emerged through the method of inductive thematic analysis and showed in depth the points where the design of the SCE “Lemoneli” should focus in order to form a successful endeavor that will fulfill in the best possible way the needs and expectations of its audience. More specifically, the results pointed out a) the real needs in the field as they were expressed separately by the three sub-groups of the research participants, and the expected ways in which the SCE “Lemoneli” should contribute towards their fulfillment, b) the strengths of the SCE “Lemoneli” highlighted at the level of methodology, culture of the organization, as well as in relation to organizational and socio - enterprenaul dimensions and the selection of Komotini as an area of activity, c) the risks / difficulties that the project may encounter as identified at the level of SCE “Lemoneli” - school - family collaboration, service demand, acceptance, operation and sustainability of the project, as well as suggestions for addressing those risks/difficulties, d) the requirements that should be met by the SCE “Lemoneli” in order to ensure the satisfaction of its potential customers - beneficiaries, which were related to cost, quality of service and its social impact. The research yielded a rich material that will contribute to the enrichment- redesign of the idea and the appropriate decision making by the socio-entrepreneurial team before the next stage of innovation (pilot implementation). The findings can serve as an up-to-date guide to developing a questionnaire that will be addressed to stakeholders at a larger scale, while elements of the research material could contribute to the business plan of the SCE “Lemoneli”, if after piloting the innovation, the SCE members decide it is worth investing in capital and launching into the market.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Σχολή Διοίκησης και Οικονομίας. Τμήμα Διοίκησης Επιχειρήσεων.
Keywords: Κοινωνική επιχειρηματικότητα;Σχολείο;Οικογένεια;Κοινότητα;Κοινωνική εργασία;Κοινωνική καινοτομία
Description: Μεταπτυχιακή εργασία - Σχολή Διοίκησης και Οικονομίας - Τμήμα Διοίκησης και Οργάνωσης Εκπαιδευτικών Μονάδων, 2020 (α/α 11735)
Appears in Collections:Μεταπτυχιακές Διατριβές

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