Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 101 to 120 of 179
Title | Author(s) | Issue date |
Marketing library and information services | Balabanidou, Katerina; Zafeiriou, Georgia; Siatri, Rania; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Ζαφειρίου, Γεωργία; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ; Σιάτρη, Ράνια; Βαλαβανίδου, Κατερίνα | 16-Oct-2015 |
Marketing greek academic library services : a survey | Balabanidou, Katerina; Zafeiriou, Georgia; Siatri, Rania; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Ζαφειρίου, Γεωργία; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ; Σιάτρη, Ράνια; Βαλαβανίδου, Κατερίνα | 16-Oct-2015 |
Libraries and lifelong learning: guidelines for library educators and trainers and the impact of the project ENTITLE | Antonopoulou, Stavroula; Siatri, Rania; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Αντωνοπούλου, Σταυρούλα; Σιάτρη, Ράνια; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ | 16-Oct-2015 |
Συνεργασία δημοτικών βιβλιοθηκών στα πλαίσια του EuropeanaLocal : διαλειτουργικά αποθετήρια | Κουλούρης, Αλέξανδρος; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ; Koulouris, Alexandros; Garoufallou, Emmanouel | 16-Oct-2015 |
Sharing knowledge on workplace : what factors motivate librarians to share their knowledge? | Siatri, Rania; Asderi, Stuliani; Balatsoukas, Panagiotis; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Σιάτρη, Ράνια; Μπαλατσούκας, Παναγιώτης; Ασδέρη, Στυλιανή; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ | 16-Oct-2015 |
Digital Libraries and the digital working environment : what is their effect on library staff for sharing their knowledge? | Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Asderi, Stuliani; Ασδέρη, Στυλιανή; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ | 16-Oct-2015 |
Aggregating metadata for Europeana : the greek paradigm | Banos, Vangelis; Koulouris, Alexandros; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Μπάνος, Βαγγέλης; Κουλούρης, Αλέξανδρος; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ | 16-Oct-2015 |
Academic Libraries and the marketing mix | Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Siatri, Rania; Zafeiriou, Georgia; Σιάτρη, Ράνια; Ζαφειρίου, Γεωργία; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ | 16-Oct-2015 |
Assessing information literacy skills among undergraduates : the case of Food Technology and Nutrition School at the Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki | Vafeiadis, Athanasios; Mole, Vasiliki; Chatzilia, Margarita; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Βαφειάδης, Αθανάσιος; Μολέ, Βασιλική; Χατζηλία, Μαργαρίτα; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ | 16-Oct-2015 |
The use and awareness of Web 2.0 tools by Greek LIS students | Charitopoulou, Vassiliki; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Χαριτοπούλου, Βασιλική; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ | 16-Oct-2015 |
Greek academic librarians' perceptions of the impact of Google on their role as information providers | Zafeiriou, Georgia; Asderi, Stuliani; Ekizoglou, Panagiota; Balatsoukas, Panagiotis; Siatri, Rania; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Σιάτρη, Ράνια; Ασδέρη, Στυλιανή; Ζαφειρίου, Γεωργία; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ; Μπαλατσούκας, Παναγιώτης; Εκίζογλου, Παναγιώτα | 16-Oct-2015 |
Έρευνα για τις υπηρεσίες διαδικτύου στις ελληνικές Ακαδημαϊκές Βιβλιοθήκες | Εκίζογλου, Παναγιώτα; Ασδέρη, Στυλιανή; Σιάτρη, Ράνια; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Ekizoglou, Panagiota; Siatri, Rania; Asderi, Stuliani | 16-Oct-2015 |
Marketing applications in Greek academic library services | Zafeiriou, Georgia; Siatri, Rania; Balapanidou, Aikaterini; Garoufallou, Emmanouel | 21-Sep-2015 |
Automated metadata harvesting among Greek repositories in the framework of EuropeanaLocal: dealing with interoperability | Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Banos, Evangelos; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Koulouris, Alexandros | 21-Sep-2015 |
A survey on the importance of learning object metadata for relevance judgment | Siatri, Rania; Asderi, Stella; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Balatsoukas, Panos | 21-Sep-2015 |
Implementing enhanced OAI-PMH requirements for Europeana | Koulouris, Alexandros; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Kapidakis, Sarantos; Banos, Vangelis; Stamatis, Kostas; Houssos, Nikos | 21-Sep-2015 |
A Prototype Metadata-Driven Decision Support Tool for Scholarly Literature Reviews | Balatsoukas, Panos; Rousidis, Dimitris; Garoufallou, Emmanouel | 21-Sep-2015 |
Web-based Information Literacy in an Academic Library: The Example of the Library of ATEI of Thessaloniki | Siatri, Rania; Garoufallou, Emmanouel; Paraskevopoulos, Kostas; Chatzilia, Margarita; Mole, Vasiliki | 21-Sep-2015 |
Ένα εργαλείο σε Java για την εξόρυξη πληροφοριών από ακαδημαϊκές εκδόσεις | Μπαλατσούκας, Παναγιώτης; Γαρουφάλλου, Εμμανουήλ; Ρουσίδης, Δημήτριος | 21-Sep-2015 |
Usability evaluation of the digital archive of the Hellenic Broadcasting Corporation (ERT) | Zafeiriou, Georgia; Balatsoukas, Panos; Siatri, Rania; Mystakopoulos, Fotis; Garoufallou, Emmanouel | 21-Sep-2015 |