Aggregation of platelets through thrombine and adrenaline : Possible role of oxygen free radicals

Makris, P./ Evangelou, Angelos/ Liasko, Roman/ Xiropotamos, Nikolaos/ Chatzieleftheriou, Christos/ Binolis, Jayne/ Veltsistas, Panagiotis/ Tsabalas, Stavros/ Chatzidimitriou, Maria/ Avdikos, Antonios/ Daskalou, Telemachos/ Karkabounas, Spyridon/ Μακρής, Π./ Τσαμπάλας, Σταύρος/ Βελτσίστας, Παναγιώτης/ Ξηροπόταμος, Νικόλαος/ Ευαγγέλου, Άγγελος/ Χατζηελευθερίου, Χρήστος/ Δασκάλου, Τηλέμαχος/ Καρκαμπούνας, Σπυρίδων/ Αυδίκος, Αντώνιος/ Χατζηδημητρίου, Μαρία

Institution and School/Department of submitter: ΤΕΙ Θεσσαλονίκης
Issue Date: Sep-2001
Citation: Chatzidimitriou, M. et al. 2001. Aggregation of platelets through thrombine and adrenaline: Possible role of oxygen free radicals. In:9th Meeting of the Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, 12-15 September 2001, Ioannina.
Meeting of the Balkan Clinical Laboratory Federation, Ioannina, 2001
Description: Δημοσιεύσεις μελών--ΣΕΥΠ--Τμήμα Ιατρικών Εργαστηρίων, 2001
Item type: other
Submission Date: 2018-02-28T12:31:06Z
Item language: el
Item access scheme: free
Institution and School/Department of submitter: ΤΕΙ Θεσσαλονίκης
Appears in Collections:Δημοσιεύσεις σε Περιοδικά

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