Διοίκηση Ποιότητας στην ΠΦΥ στην Ελλάδα. Αξιολόγηση οργάνωσης Κέντρων Υγείας Ν.Θ., 4ης ΥΠΕ (Master thesis)

Βαρσαμά, Αικατερίνη

This dissertation attempts to assess the level of quality administration/management in the Administrative Services of the Health Centres of the Prefecture of Thessaloniki of the 4th Health District of Macedonia-Thrace, as a tool for the internal assessment of the Unit and the Administration; to outline and assess the possible differentiation in views between employees and administration throughout all levels of administrative structure; to explore whether demographic factors impact the view of participants, and to determine the predictive factors for the improvement of Health Centres for multifaceted quality support, both for the local community they serve, and for their employees. The structural element of this research is that the administrative mechanism that supports the operation of a Primary Healthcare Unit, a Health Centre, with Law 4238/2014 and then with Law 4486/2017, now has a new structure. It is a completely new administration, with internal cohesion that is not reflected in the organisation of a Health Centre. This new structure should be explored in every effort to assess the level of administration quality in the administrative structures of Primary Healthcare, as there is a daily paradox in Primary Healthcare: It is called upon to be managed in 2020 with administration Organisations from 1986. Furthermore, a basic element that is also innovative, is the exploration of quality from the perspective of employees of all specialisations, not just the medical and nursing staff, as well as the approach of the questionnaire itself, both by the employees and by the Administration on all levels of administrative structure, assisted on the Management level by personal interviews. A review of the literature indicates that the assessment of Health Centres as Primary Healthcare structures, from the side of their employees of all specialisations in Greece, has never been explored enough, with the exception of studies that adopt a reasoning of achieving excellence in quality (LIONIS C, et al 2017) and one research paper on the organisation of Primary Healthcare structures that was completed by Karakolias et al. in 2017 in a specific geographic region. Material-Method: To achieve the aim and goals, a quantitative survey with a relatively large sample (N=200) was carried out. Subsequently, a qualitative survey was carried 8/194 out to verify the conclusions of the quantitative survey. The qualitative survey was carried out on a small sample (N=8) with the use of semi-structured interviews. The population of the research consisted of the employees of all specialisations of the seven (7) Health Centres and their structures (Regional Clinics, Local Health Units) in the Prefecture of Thessaloniki, under the administrative charge of the 4th Health District of Macedonia-Thrace, covering the healthcare of a population of 353,555 people. The comparative review of the of the two surveys indicated  the unsatisfactory operation of the Health Centres in all their organisational dimensions, namely, a system that is reeling administratively and only exists thanks to the initiatives and sense of responsibility of its members.  the complete lack of training (“...even as a motivator...”/qualitative research), a structural element for our proposal  the positive image of quality medical (health) care provision and  the hopeful confirmation that there is a knowledge level/base among the Primary Healthcare workers regarding the correlation of the organisational dimensions of the Administration. In the context of the global health crises due to the Covid-19 pandemic, which played out during this research (Feb. 2020), a trial that opened up a conversation on a national level regarding matter of healthcare safety and Public Health, and which indicates, like never before, the need to support Primary Healthcare and to interconnect it with Public Healthcare policies (G. Kyriopoulos 2020), we propose as a realistic option the collaboration on a solution/proposal, for the development of employee dynamism as a the main core for the achievement of goals. This dynamism of the employees may be developed through Training (Law 4486/2017) Academic Primary Healthcare Unit). Training and continuous planning for Primary Healthcare, so that the vision that governs it remains alive, runs through its structure, and be the dominant dynamism of its employees. Training specialised in the work sectors. Training in the sense of obtaining education as a defence and a proposal for life.
Alternative title / Subtitle: Quality administration in Primary Health Care in Greece. Health CentreOrganisation assessment fore the prefecture of Thessaloniki, 4th Health District.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Σχολή Οικονομίας και Διοίκησης. Τμήμα Διοίκησης Οργανισμών, Μάρκετινγκ και Τουρισμού
Keywords: Ε.Σ.Υ.;Π.Φ.Υ.;Οικονομικά της Υγείας;Διοίκηση Ποιότητας;Συστήματα Αξιολόγησης Ποιότητας;ESY (Greek National Health System);Economics of Health;Quality Administration;Quality Assessment Systems
Description: Διπλωματική εργασία -- Σχολή Οικονομίας και Διοίκησης -- Τμήμα Διοίκησης Οργανισμών, Μάρκετινγκ και Τουρισμού, 2020 (α/α 12304)
Appears in Collections:Μεταπτυχιακές Διατριβές
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