Διαχείριση κρίσεων σε θέματα υγείας (Master thesis)

Ιωαννίδου, Ευαγγελία

A health sector crisis, can be caused either by human mistakes (for example, in an individual healthcare unit) or by the spread of a virus strain, locally or even globally. A crisis, considered being a situation which requires immediate and extreme decisions from the authorities, thus, holding any unpleasant consequences directing the population as well as helping the whole health care system, avoid reaching its limits. During the last two decades, humanity has already faced 4 serious health crises. Results excluded by the scientific community in order to handle these crises effectively, constitute a kind of “Holy Bible” for crisis managers. Whoever studies these events, starting from 2003 to 2019, easily finds out that there are similarities behind them. For example, at the first stages of a worldwide healthcare crisis (especially when the virus causing it, is totally unknown), it is important to limit the spread of virus, as well as the human contacts. The aim of the present dissertation was to record the measures related to a successful crisis management and to present examples from extremely serious crisis occasions, in an international level. Sources research was carried out after a large scale of official journal papers and web sources study, over globally known organizations and research institutions. Another aim of the present study, was to identify the existing Greek authorities plans, concerning crisis management, as well as the level these plans have been modernized or implemented effectively. Results showed that Greece, definitely has anachronistic healthcare crisis management plans, however, during the pandemic crisis of Covid19, the appropriate measures took place maintained a satisfying level of virus reduction (at least, during its first face), assisting the country to avoid its uncontrolled spread. In an international level, quarantine practices were implemented, human distancing and contact reduction also took place, leisure travels were canceled and the use of protective equipment became mandatory (such as face masks, antiseptic liquids or mass concentration restrictions). In conclusion, a healthcare crisis - depending of course on its severity - may require strict measures, as well as an alteration of normal lifestyle, in order the authorities to effectively handle it.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Σχολή οικονομίας και διοίκησης- Τμήμα διοίκησης οργανισμών, μάρκετινγκ και τουρισμού,
Keywords: Υγεία;Πανδημία;Έκτακτα θέματα;Κοινωνικός ρόλος;Διαχείριση κρίσεων
Description: Μεταπτυχιακή εργασία- Σχολή οικονομίας και διοίκησης- Τμήμα διοίκησης οργανισμών, μάρκετινγκ και τουρισμού, 2020 (α/α 12893)
Appears in Collections:Μεταπτυχιακές Διατριβές

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