Καλλιέργεια καρότου και πρακτικές λίπανσης στην περιοχή του Δήμου Τανάγρας (Bachelor thesis)

Δουρδουβέλας, Κωνσταντίνος

Carrots (species Daucus Carota L.) are in the top ten (10) choices of vegetables preferred by consumers around the world. In 2015, world production of carrots was 33.7 million tons. This demonstrates the horticultural and economic importance of carrot cultivation nowadays. Carrots are not only an important vegetable for agriculture, but also for a healthy diet. Many mineral fertilizers have been developed to supplement soil nutrients and meet the high nutrient requirements of crops. They are also referred to as general mineral salts, except for some organic chemicals such as urea, which are easily converted into salts. Vegetables are constantly taking in nutrients. It is beneficial to provide them with a balance of nutrients throughout their development. Sometimes the most effective way to accomplish this is to apply slow release fertilizers, which are designed to release nutrients over a relatively long period. Farmers use organic fertilizers such as manure as well as compost to provide nutrients to vegetables because they are more affordable than inorganic fertilizers. Although carrots are known as medium-sized vegetables, they still require fertile soil, which allows for normal plant growth. Applying too much organic fertilizer promotes excessive leaf growth and rough, coarse and forked carrot roots.
Institution and School/Department of submitter: Σχολή Γεωτεχνικών Επιστημών - Τμήμα Γεωπονίας
Subject classification: Καρότα -- Ανάπτυξη -- Ελλάδα -- Τανάγρα (Βοιωτία)
Καρότα -- Λιπάσματα
Carrots -- Growth -- Greece -- Tanagra (Viotia)
Carrots -- Fertilizers
Keywords: Καλλιέργεια καρότου;Λαχανικά;Ορυκτά λιπάσματα;Θρεπτικά συστατικά λαχανικών;Δήμος Τανάγρας;Carrot cultivation;Vegetables;Mineral fertilizers;Vegetables' nutrients;Municipality of Tanagra
Description: Πτυχιακή εργασία - Σχολή Γεωτεχνικών Επιστημών - Τμήμα Γεωπονίας, 2023 (α/α 13927)
Appears in Collections:Πτυχιακές Εργασίες

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