Welcome to Eureka!‘s website, the Open Access Institutional Repository of ATEI of Thessaloniki. Eureka! is an online archive that contains the whole Institution of ATEI intellectual production: scientific, academic, cultural, historical and administrative, as well as other information, directly related to the Institution. Eureka! is a useful tool that is addressed to all ATEI community (professors, students, and administrative staff). Its objective is to provide advanced information, research, educational and cultural services to all of its users.
We enforce collaboration between Eureka! and the members of ATEI community and we are based on that collaboration, aiming at the constantly upgrade of the already existing services. The results of such collaboration will give added value to our services and make Eureka! a trustworthy information medium for everybody.
Eureka! has been created in order to support e-science, the protection and interchange of scientific content, as well as the preservation of cultural production of the Institution. We hope this way to give more prestige to the Institution, the scientists and to other third bodies that are part of it.